website design trends

10 Contemporary Web Design Trends For 2020-21

An old saying is there, “the first impression is the last impression” and it goes applicable for the design your business/personal website is built in.  Beyond doubt, web design can work as the primary online marketing tool if it looks striking as well as appealing to your users. Impressive website design not only impresses visitors but also increases sales conversion rates faster than you imagine.

Latest web design trends for 2020-21

Everything goes on counting on the griping rules of evolution and innovation. There is no exception for web design trends. Once your website design seemed captivating to your users; it may seem outdated or overdone now to the same people. So, what now?  Don’t worry; you are not required to study rocket science or doing everything special. Just check on the new website design trends for 2020 to 2021 and apply as much as you can to draft the best design for your site.

Thus, without wasting time let us have a look at the website design trends that will prevail in 2020 and 2021 indeed.

  • Abstract illustrations

Stand out your brand amid new and existing visitors of your site with custom illustration style. Your competitors can hardly copy the style of illustration that you have implemented for your brand or product. But make sure that your illustration or abstract graphics can depict the same that you want your visitors to understand.

  • Full-page headers

It is one of the popular web design trends that websites go with to catch the attention of visitors in 2020. There are ample scopes for web designers to implement variation in headers with the CTA (call to action) button on the left side of the header.

  • Dynamic scrolling

Dynamic scrolling can differentiate scrolling speed between the foreground and background of your site. Moreover, it offers a 3d experience to your visitors while they scroll on your site and makes scrolling dynamic. Let your visitors enjoy a background video while they scroll on your site and spill the magic of animation.

  • Dark ui

Dark mode user interface is one of the most used website design trends in 2020 and it will control 2021 too. Dark mode design trend has come up with a set of benefits that users do love it. Dark mode reduces eye strain on the practical end in adjusting the screen brightness. On the aesthetic end, it offers an ultra-modern look to your website as well as highlights essential designing elements by darkening the surrounding elements. Moreover, it conserves battery life in reducing the use of pixels of light and saves power for users who visit your site via mobile.

  • 3d & faux-3d design

With the design of the 3d object, you can offer an exciting experience to your users that they used to have during gaming. But, they can get the same browsing your website with the introduction of 3d objects and pseudo-3d objects in the web designing domain.

  • Playful cursors

Do you want your visitor to spend genuinely more time on your page? Grab the playful cursor idea for your next website redesigning attempt in 2020. Execution of playful cursors design for your site helps you to hold your visitors for more time than before. The unique cursors compel visitors to navigate the menu option again and again as they can experience animation playfulness every time they move the cursor on your site and get engaged startlingly on your site. 

  • Bold fonts

Have you ever noted that many of industry leader websites use large and bold font for the headlines? Heavy and large fonts add visual weight to the message and directly engage visitors to the message that the company wants its visitors to notice first. Aesthetically, bold fonts offer designs the feel which is appealing and contemporary.

  • Geometric shape

Simple yet powerful geometric shapes allow designers to create visual compositions for websites better than before. These compositions are more appealing and robust creating visual dividers among sections. 

  • Color trends

Color pallets are the indispensable parts of website designing. 2020 and 2021 will not be exception experiencing the same in web designing trends. It is considered that muted color pallets and gradients are the trends to be continued in 2020 and 2021 in the web designing domain.

  • White space

With the preference for minimalist web design, white space design helps to engage more visitors’ activities to websites. This feature offers a visual hierarchy to your site that visitors would not be distracted by navigating your site but get engaged in navigation.

Don’t forget to pay attention to ui/ux designs. The more your site looks user-friendly and smooth the more it experience traffic and an increased number of sales.

Bottom line

So, what are you waiting for? If you like to redesign your website with new trends then choose the best one and nail it to offer the best user experience to your visitors and let them glued to your site.