7 Easy Steps to Create a Facebook Business Page

Facebook has evolved itself beyond just being an ordinary social media platform. It is one of the most powerful marketing platforms to reach your target audience with the enhanced business tools and prospects. Owing to the immense user-base of Facebook, every business emphasizes getting to their potential customers through Facebook marketing.

In the current competitive market scenario, having a Facebook business page is a must for every business to create a significant online brand presence. It enables your existing and prospective customers to reach and interact with you through your brand’s Facebook business page. Here we’ve come up with the tips to create a Facebook Business Page  in few simple steps successfully:

  1. Create a personal Facebook Account

Before creating your business page on Facebook, you have to create a personal Facebook account or log in to an existing one. Facebook won’t allow you to create a business page without having a personal account to manage it.

  1. Create Page

Once you log in to your Facebook account, you are all set to create the page for your business. Just find and click on the “+” option on the top right corner of your Facebook profile and then proceed by selecting the “Page” option; it will redirect you to the next page to create a page For your business.

Or you can simply visit https://www.facebook.com/pages/create to start creating your business page now.

facebook business page

  1. Fill in the required information

Next, you will have to provide Facebook with some necessary information regarding your business to create the business page successfully. You will have to provide the following details to proceed to create an effective business page:

Page Name – You have to assign a name to your business page to explain what your business is all about. It can be your name, your company’s name, or any name that describes your business.

Category – Select your business’s respective category, i.e., product or services. Write a short description about your business, if you want. Next, click on the create page icon. Next, you’ll have to provide detailed information about your business’s address, contact, category, sub-category, etc.

  1. Add Images & Cover Photo

The next involves uploading a profile picture and cover photo for your business page. You can add your brand logo or an image that will help people easily identify your business page.

As we all know, first impressions matter a lot; that’s why to add a creative design and self-explanatory image as a cover photo that can easily describe what your business category and USP are.

  1. Create A Username

It is pertinent to create a unique username for your business page. This username enables people to reach your Facebook business page directly following the link from any browser or any other social media platform.

You have to create a unique username for your page as Facebook doesn’t allow you to use a username that some other user is already using. It is good to use your business or brand name as your username so that anyone can easily recognize your business or brand.

  1. Add a Button

“Add a button” is a call to action (CTA) option for your business page. So it’s very crucial for you to add a button on your business page through which your customers can perform the following actions-

  • Follow
  • View gift card
  • Start Order
  • Book Now
  • Get quote
  • Call Now
  • Contact us
  • Send Message’
  • Send Whatsapp message
  • Send Email
  • Learn more
  • Sign up
  • Use app
  • Play game
  • Watch video
  • Shop now

You can customize these buttons per your business objectives by choosing from the respective option panel.

  1. Add Business Details

Your Facebook business page without relevant details is useless. Add crucial business details, including contact no, email id, business website, business location, service area, opening and closing hours, etc., to your business page so that customers get information about your brand or business. To fill in the details you haven’t shared yet, go to the “Edit Page Info” Option on the top left side of your page.

That’s all, easy, effortless, yet super-effective. A Facebook business page creates a sense of genuineness for your business in your prospective customers’ psyche. So, create your business page on Facebook now and get access to one of the most powerful online marketing channels on the go.