Today, we rely on websites to get information and make purchases online. The best marketers, irrespective of whether they are a digital marketer or a brand specialist can’t afford to go against this wave. But what concerns them is the security aspect of the WordPress site. Here, in this blog post, we have suggested 9 simple tricks on how to immune your WordPress website against the attacks.
Tip 1-Go for themes that offer Lockdown feature
Just like our ATM, WordPress iThemes offer Lockdown feature that prohibits the users to enter into a website after a certain number of the failed attempts. As a user, you can specify the number of attempts after which plugin blocks the user ID.
Tip 2-2 factor authentication
With security being a growing concern in this golden age of the computer, it becomes important to layer your website with 2 factor authentication. In this website, owner decides what it can be- regular password followed by a secret code or secret question.
Tip 3-Keep e-mail id as login
Today, websites are gaining more ground than traditional forms of advertising, hence using an e-mail ID as an alternative to UserName is considered a more secured approach.
Tip 4-Update it
The basic WordPress security measures suggest you to update the website to the latest version. It will keep the brutal attacks at a bay.
Tip 5- Rename the URL login
Since the website has become a natural extension of our way to find information, brands have a duty to protect it against the hacks. One of the most common ways to protect the WordPress website is to change the extension URL. Here’s an example for the same:-
Generally, the WordPress website can be accessed with this URL wp-login.php/wp-admin. This little trick can save you from the disaster:-
- Modify wp-login.php to my_new_login
- Change wp-admin to me_new_admin
Tip 6- Change the passwords regularly
This piece of advice never fails. In order to keep your website away from the list of cyber- attack, improve the strength of the password. The password generator can aid you in that. Another possible way is to take assistance from AskApache Password protect plugin for securing the most sensitive area of the website (Admin).
Tip 7-Buy an SSL certificate
The real challenge for the hackers is to breach the data of a SSL secured website. Hence, buying a security grade certificate like SSL is a smart move. These certificates are easily accessible from dedicated service providers. It not only safeguards your website from the intruders but also improves the ranking of the website. That means achieving more traffic.
Tip 8- reduce the admin users
If you run a WordPress blog, there are chances that multiple users will be accessing your admin panel, and this could make your website more vulnerable to threats. The best way to protect is to keep single user with admin rights and make others as a contributor, Editor and subscriber.
Tip 9-Connect with the server carefully
When installing the site, connect via SFTP or SSH. SFTP is more preferred because its security features are way better than traditional FTP.
These tips have been used extensively by leading web development companies like Wrebb to provide a secure website for customers. You too can use these tips to your advantage.